We sell gift boxes and items for veterinary techs and nurses created by a veterinary nurse.
While all veterinary professionals are welcome, our boxes are designed for techs and nurses. Item curation will focus on self-care items as well as items that can be used in a clinical setting.

Created For Vet Techs
A curated collection of personal care items, fun extras, and more for YOU!

Celebrate Vet Techs
Packed with essentials and extras that honor the care, dedication, and passion of vet techs everywhere.

Vet Tech Appreciation, Delivered
Show your gratitude with a gift box created to bring joy and recognition to dedicated veterinary professionals.
Fan Favorite one-time boxes

Black Box
The perfect box to see what we are all about! Try us for only 29 bucks! [$49.99 Value]

Blue Box
Our Most Popular box for your everyday Vet Tech. A collection of our favorite items! [$69.99 Value]

Gold Box + Free Shipping
For the HARDEST WORKING vet tech! All of our fan favorites + Free Shipping to anyone in the US. [$99.99 Value]